Sunday, July 8, 2012

Magic Mike

I know I know. I wasn't planning on seeing this at the theatre but had some friends that wanted to go. Let me tell you the story..... My friend picks me up and we go to the theatre. We were waiting for 8 more girls so we sat in the 4th row. We got there about 20 mins before the movie started and it was already packed. As the trailers were going I looked around and saw there was one seat open in the whole place. There were two guys, one with a woman (either he was dragged there or were hoping to get some after :D) and another that appears to be by himself (got stood up, was doing a review or she was late. Two women asked if they could sit next to me. Of course, I say. The one next to me was probably late 40's jersey shorish and looked like she had lived an interesting life. She seemed nice talking a bit. I have never in my life been in a theatre that was as loud as this one was. Women were talking and loud.
The film starts. Holy shit, you would think we were actually in the strip club portrayed on the big screen, whooping and hollering, clapping, you name it. It was pretty funny I have to give it that. The dancing was good, as you all know I love dance so I really paid attention to that. They were all good, Channing of course was the best. If you don't know he was in the original Step Up film. Anyhoo, the film turns darker which doesn't surprise you all I would hope. After all, stripping can be a darker profession if you let it.
As they would show the dancing, the lady to my left, the one I was telling you about would make weird noises, some of which sounded kind of gross and not at all sexy. In fact my friend could hear her as well and you know how loud the films are, not to mention 70 women yelling in the theatre during those scenes. I hope she got what she wanted out of that hahahahaaha just wish she was not sitting next to me. She had a friend with her maybe........ ok I am getting off subject.
The film was fun, the choreographed scenes with all of them didn't work out that great. They were not in sync but in real life it is also like that. I just figured being a movie and all they would make sure to stay in sync with each other. The ending sucked, could be a number 2 though.
Like I said it is a fun movie for the most part, so I can't say much. The film was not made to win an Oscar only to show hot guys. This film gets a 2.5 because I laughed a lot. I think the woman next to me would give it a five!
After the film we went outside and I found out one of the girls brought her friend who was Mormon to the film. Both were a bit unnerved and the one kept apologizing stating she did not know it would be that provocative. I had no choice but to ask why you would go to a stripping movie that was rated R and not think you would see what you saw lol. We all went to eat and all except for one said they did not think the film would be that racy. I thought that was interesting. It was funny too because I was dressed in true me style so of course it was kind of weird. I could tell the one's that really did not know me did not know what to think of me. I ended up sitting at the butt of the table figuring I would be hanging with myself. Once I started talking, it appeared to put people at ease for the most part.
I had a great time and would do this again. I have never gone out with that many women before.
Sorry this was more about my experience than the film, but it helps to understand what I consider normal people. I suspect most people are like those girls. I am thinking I would be less jaded if I were like that and possibly less stressed. Too late now! I am off the wall and there is nothing we can do about it :)

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