Thursday, November 11, 2010

Nightmare Concert (A Cat In The Brain) 1990

I know I'm going to get some hell for this one but that's fine with me because you see, I didn't really care for this film. A Cat In The Brain is a gore hounds dream on paper, and the movie doesn't fail do deliver on those parts. Lucio Fulci is the star and director of this film and if you ask me he should stay behind the camera and only get in front of it when he gets up from his directors chair to walk to the shitter. Not to say his acting is bad but, well, nevermind. It's pretty bad. I'll get to the plot (plotish? is that a word, plotish?). Lucio plays himself in the film who starts do go insane in the membrane and begins seeing visions from his films in his real life. That's pretty much it. And most of the gore scenes you've seen in his other better movies. But as a collection of gore scenes it does pretty good. Although the scene of the guy with the chainsaw made me laugh, he's cutting off a womans limbs but the cuts don't exactly match up to where he's actually cutting. I found myself bored, and that's saying a lot for me. I love nasty, gory, boob filled movies and I had a difficult time not grabbing my phone and playing bejeweled after 30 minutes (thanks again for the phone sis). It's gore for gores sake on the other hand, and if you haven't seen many of Lucio Fulci's films this would be a good alternative to having to have to sit through his other often overlong and badly dubbed films by just watching this collection of nasty scenes from his older movies (Zombie 2 not withstanding. Zombie shark battle bitches!). So to wrap things up go see it yourself and fast-forward to the good parts because the story itself, what little of it there is in my opinion, sucks.

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