Sunday, April 15, 2012

Human Centipede II


Now that the Human Centipede II has made it's rounds a bit. I am bringing it back for round two. This film made me feel a bit nauseated. I mean this in a good way. I tried not to listen to all the talk about it so that I could come to my own conclusions. I was wondering how Director Tom Six was going to make the transition into the second one. 
I did not get the abruptness of the fact that the first one was a film but that was short lived as I sat in shock and awe during the rest of the film. Being in the medical field and seeing how Martin (Laurence Harvey) stapled the people together I did not think his idea would work but Six had that figured out too. He made them all take laxatives. I liked the fact that Six allowed us to really see the rawness of how Martin made the centipede. It really made me hate that guy yet six made it understood why Martin was the way he was and was able to make it flow.  I have to give Laurence Harvey credit he has guts. This is the kind of film that could break his career because of how wrong his character was. He was quite brilliant. He never had to talk during the whole film and yet I was captivated. 
The film is based on the fact that Martin watched the first Human Centipede and was obsessed by it. He has nothing else, his mother is a fucked up mess and blames him for his father sexually molesting him and sending him to prison. There is nothing to like about him so he fantasizes about creating the human centipede with 12 people and having the star of the film (Ashlynn Yennie) included. He was able to arrange to get her through her agent so he had some smarts. I could go into the psychology of this guy but that would take all day. Anywhoo, it ends with Martin's pet centipede up his ass. I hear number three is in the works. Let's just keep it at two so that you can go down in history as one of the greatest shocking movies I have seen. 

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